Lake Villas Update (6/22/2023)

Jun 22, 2023
Sorry to start this email on a negative note, but I find it incredulous that we have residents who don't seem to care about what they trash.  Over the weekend, someone or someone's children seemed to take pleasure in destroying the small pool behind Units 184 - 154.  I have attached photos.  The sign was ripped from the wall, the chairs and lounge chairs that we just paid to have restrapped were strewn around the pool, chairs that I have asked not to be taken to pool area were tossed in the pool, cushions thrown in the corner, chairs upturned, I think you get my point.  WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU.  THIS IS COMING OUT OF EVERYONE'S POCKET AND FORCES US TO DISCUSS WHAT MEASURES WE NOW HAVE TO TAKE TO KEEP THIS DAMAGE FROM HAPPENING IN THE FUTURE.  If it is someone's children, GET THEM UNDER CONTROL, if it is an adult SHAME ON YOU, GET YOURSELF UNDER CONTROL!!!.
CLEAN UP YOUR ACT, or we will close down the pool.
1.   We will set a date shortly for a special board meeting to vote on a special assessment.  We have to cover the shortfall for the increase in the insurance premium.
2.   Chad walked the property with Kevin's Tree Service.  We have trees that need trimming for the hurricane season and just need shaping, some dead trees that need to be removed, stumps that need grinding, etc.  I am anticipating a proposal shortly, hang on it will not be cheap.
3.   I met with the REW landscapers, supervisors and the designers.  We discussed many short falls of the crew and the bad condition of this property.  So over the next few months there hopefully will be some dramatic changes.  REW is going to help us remove the landscape debris on the property, work on some specific projects, set up a new schedule, help us grind some stumps, blow the carports, be much more careful about getting all the debris on the patios (front and back), fix the trimming, picking up debris, etc.  Further, I have requested a landscape plan, sod, a grinding bid, etc.  They are bringing a landscape drawing for the City of Altamonte which the City has been asking for, they are walking the property and actually going to address all the voids in our landscape beds to fill with colorful, drought tolerant, and cold hardy plants.  DO NOT PLANT ANYTHING OUTSIDE YOUR UNIT unless it is in a pot or you have specifically approached me with your idea.  It may take a couple of months, but you will start to see a whole new look.  Further we are going to fix the front entrance with color, trees and manicured beds on either side of the front entrance, as well as behind the entrance wall.  We need some pop of color and richness to make this property something to be proud of and have a lush look.  We are pushing hard to get all landscaping beds addressed throughout the property.  I know things can sometimes look their worst before they look lush, full and beautiful.  We have a plan and we are working on it.  Hold your comments unless it is positive, then you can tell our maintenance personnel as they are doing this manual labor in 90 Degree weather.
I know some of you have pointed out some things that need correcting, keep reminding me and we will not let up on the pressure to keep the contracted landscape crew to step up their game.
4.  Everyone STAND UP AND TAKE A BOW.  We are so close to getting every unit in Lake Villas alumiconned.   Thank you for your willingness to work with us in getting this job done.  It has been difficult, time consuming and a tremendous job of scheduling and tracking everything.  Thank you Nancy Roman, Roberta Cute, Chad and Eddie, Nick Coscia and our electrical crew.  This was a challenge, but let's keep up the good work we are almost there.  Hopefully we will have this done by August.  Invoices are coming out, sorry for the delay, but this is a bigger job.
5.  The Boy Scouts are back.  After a 2 week break to allow us to get more beds done, the boy scouts are back and laying mulch.
6.  I am still waiting for the roofers and gutter people to show up.  Let's keep hoping they will show soon.
7.  I met with the "paver" person.  She is going to get me some installers and walk the property.  This project may have to be done in sections as we have a lot of pavers that need fixing.  So, as we make headway here, I will update you.
8.  We are working on the parking sticker issue.  Please cooperate and send in your information even if you have a parking sticker.  We are trying to create a workable database, to make everyone's life easier.  So please get your information to Debbie this would be appreciated.
9.  We are still working on getting the pool furniture finished, the front doors stained and polyed, the fence around the pools repaired, new railings on the property to fix badly needed areas, power washing the walls, pavers, sealing the pavers, painting the white walls, etc.  The list is long, but we are making headway.  By August we should look much fresher.
10.  The back fence heading toward Unit 652 is going to get addressed and replaced.
Thank you to the Board of Directors each board member has been contributing a lot of time and energy to get the much needed improvements and projects addressed.  The work on everyone's behalf  is getting us closer to addressing the building construction.  We are going to move scaffolding and materials soon. I am aware.  Thank you to the maintenance personnel they have been working extremely hard in difficult weather conditions, but what a difference they are making.
Please stay aware of your next door neighbor.  If you don't see them, please knock on the door and make sure they are okay.  We have several members who are having difficulty getting their garbage taken to the dumpster, step in and grab a bag, HELP OUT.   Lend a hand.  Call Nancy Roman or Roberta Cute as they make a point of reaching out to touch base with residents that have had surgery, aren't feeling well, and just need to hear and see a smiling face.  We can be a GREAT COMMUNITY if everyone works on being conscientious and looks out for their neighbor.
Also, more cameras will be going up.  I still can't believe we have residents who are destructive of the property.  Maybe those members who don't seem to care about the property of Lake Villas should re-think about where you are living.
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