Good morning:
Okay the cameras are working:
- We have a resident throwing their dog POOP bags over the dumpster doors (without opening the dumpster doors and placing the bags in the garbage). The maintenance personnel then have to clean up these bags from around the dumpster!! STOP being lazy and put your own POOP bags into the dumpster, next message will be a violation notice.
- Whoever is dropping their POOP bags in the corner area behind Unit 164 STOP. The landscape personnel cleaned out 60 bags of POOP. NOT THEIR JOB! Nor is that the garbage.
POOP does not age well in the sun.
- Do not allow your pet to POOP ON THE PAVERS. No one wants to see that or step in it.
Literally clean up your manners. iF you have a PET it is your responsibility as a pet owner to clean up after YOUR PET.
- THE STOP SIGNS IN THE FRONT ENTRANCE. You need to stop!!! DO NOT PROCEED forward without stopping. We have had several narrow misses. Someone almost hit the maintenance personnel, several cars have just narrowly missed hitting each other. SLOW DOWN, STOP AND LOOK. Lake Villa's entrance allows for different directions once entering so use some caution, PLEASE, we don't want to see any injuries.
- We will be pressure washing the carports by Units 186 - 178. When the signs go up, please move your car, so we can get the carports cleaned up. Further, we will be pressure washing the sidewalks and pavers from Units 186 - 164 this week. Make sure to clean up your front areas.
- We will be painting the walls around Units 186 - 164 during the next 2 weeks.
- ONCE AGAIN we have a blue minivan parked by Unit 134. There are no tags. This vehicle needs to be moved immediately or we will TOW at your expense. It can not be parked in Lake Villas with no tag and no Lake Villas sticker.
- We have had so much trouble getting supplies to complete the pool furniture restrapping. We will be back working on them again this week. Trying to have most of this done for memorial day weekend.
- Alumicons. What a nightmare!! Still trying to work the best deal on the price and meet all the insurance carrier's requirements. Bear with us, it will start soon.
- Still working with the roofer and the gutter guy. Hopefully, I will have good news this coming week.
If you have any suggestions or recommendations, please let Kevin or myself know and we will take it into consideration.