Hi Everyone:
Just wanted to cover a few items:
1. The sod, mulch and plants are coming this week. Hopefully we will be well on our way to completing that project, thank you to all for being patient with the inconveniences. The property is taking on a totally new look, and the bottlebrush trees are blooming and look fabulous. We should also be receiving the pavers at the end of this week. The majority of the landscaping will be finished, however, there are still a few areas around Units that we still need to address to be complete.
2. The parking lot - we are working on re-striping all the spots. On Monday, March 18, could all the cars in the parking area from Units 134 to 164 move their cars so we can complete this area. Then on Wednesday could the cars from Units 164 to 176 move their cars. Then on Thursday or Friday Units 690 - 666, which might take us into Monday, March 25. Then I believe we will be at Units 660 - 652. We need the cars moved to protect them from overspray and it makes it easier to quickly get the work done.
3. We have to take a short break on repairing the paver steps until the new pavers arrive. So Chad will be working on installing the beams at Units 690-692.
4. Once we finish repairing all the paver stairs, then we will move to repairing the leaks at Units 140, 162 and 156.
5. Our new landscaping company is doing a fabulous job. The complex is transforming and looking so much better.
6. PET OWNERS - PLEASE pick up your poop. I have noticed several poop piles around the property. NO ONE WANTS TO STEP IN S--T!!! Pick it up. You were doing good and then what happened!!
7. If you have any large furniture or mattresses, etc. to throw away, please contact me first, Phone 407-353-6248. If you are caught on camera and DO NOT TELL ME, then get prepared for a fine. If you call me first you can avoid these problems. The personnel here should not have to clean up your mess. Mattresses and items left at the dumpster attract rats, which we are working on getting under control. Please make sure all boxes are broken down before putting them in the dumpster. The waste management people will work with us if we handle large items a specific way and just dumping these items at the dumpster is very frustrating.
8. If you are not aware, please familiarize yourself with the by laws. There is a section that allows Lake Villas to fine any member after notification of a violation. The first fine is $50 and after the second violation notice it is $100. We will be instituting that section that pertains to the fines very shortly. I would prefer that all members have some pride in their condo and the immediate outside area. Clean up the patios, do not install items that are not allowed on the common elements. We all live in this community and it is annoying when a few members refuse to follow the rules and "act entitled". All members "are entitled" to follow the rules. Maybe if you don't like the rules and don't want to follow them you should consider moving out of a condo environment and get a home.
9. Code Enforcement - the staff has been working diligently to complete the necessary requirements to comply with the Code Enforcement Violation. We have totally re-adjusted all the steps (paver and wood) in Units 186, 652, 144 and 670. We will continue to complete all paver steps throughout the property, so we can be finished with the City's violations. Also we should have all railings completed by the end of this month.
10. With the tree removal, correcting multiple issues with sod and plants, and the clean up around the complex, installation of alumicons, we should be working our way to improving the property and maybe we will be open to quotes from more carriers and working our way towards better pricing with insurance. Almost 50% of your dues goes towards insurance costs. Our current budget reflects $258,000 divided by 71 (take condo percentages into effect) but that is a huge part of the monthly expenses. Let's hope that we can get this number reduced significantly.
In order for us to come into compliance with having adequate reserves, complete the code enforcement requirements (repairs to wood and paver steps, pavers, railings, step downs, etc.), and finish repairs, paint, etc to 7 buildings and 4 carports, fix the 10 leaks in the small pool, and install a new concrete wall at Unit 652 and in front of Unit 690, it is going to cost us money.
In 11 months we have covered a tremendous number of projects and look at how Lake Villas is transforming....the above also includes all the improvements with administrative assistance to create and install a website, installation on the website of projects, timelines, financial estimates on project details, computerization of information that we can maintain to assist us on multiple levels, installation of cameras, installation and fixing of falling down concrete walls throughout the property, setting up welcoming committees, the hard work it took of board members working to get the alumicons installed and social committees.
Further, we will begin to correct and tie each carport with a storage unit, get them numbered, lettered, matching all carports and storage units once and for all.
All this work has taken a community with the help of our skilled personnel to pull this off and we should be proud of ourselves.
See you at the Board Meeting on March 19, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.