Lake Villas Update - Calendar dates (6/9/2024)

Jun 9, 2024
Just a few things everyone needs to know:
Last week - the personnel cleaned gutters and roofs, finished painting Unit 670 stairs, obtained permit on Unit 652 (we can call for inspection on the stairs), downspouts were cleaned, pavers at Unit 658 were repaired, sprinklers were repaired, work was done on Adult pool so we can hopefully get it open.
Friday - Inspection was called to the State of Florida Department of Health to see if we can get the Adult pool open and the violation repairs signed off.  The roofers were on property and Units 168, 164, 160 and clubhouse roofers were repaired.  Unit 672 roof should be repaired on Monday, June 10, 2024. Attorney on property to meet with Roofers.  Gutters are to be addressed this week and hopefully corrected by next week.
Received new Insurance package.  The overall cost for our insurance has come down primarily due to getting the Alumicons installed.  The cost is still high but the letter from the carrier will be posted on the website for all to read, which explains the process.
Received the Reserve Study and the Building Study.  A method will be established to allow access to this information by the membership.
Monday - repair for water leak at Unit 144A and Unit 152.  Broken sprinkler at Unit 660 to be repaired.  Roofers to be on property to complete Unit 672.
Tuesday - Roofers will be walking the property to determine what Units need their Gutters repaired.  Then a plan will be established.
BOARD MEETING at Clubhouse at 7:00 p.m.  We are attaching a link if you can not attend in person, you can access through the computer.
Wednesday - June 12, 2024 @ 9:00 a.m. - Redi of Orlando will be on property to renew your fire extinguisher.  Please place your extinguisher outside the front door and Ron will come around the complex and renew the extinguisher.  If you have not purchased one from the Association, please do so as these are very specific to the Fire Department's regulations.
We are working on obtaining construction vendor bids on Unit 186.
We are working on establishing a timeline and capital improvement package.  We have to reach out to bankers, set up a project list, figure out the method and the amount the association will be able to afford, digest the actual requirements and statutes that we must meet as a community.
The maintenance personnel are very close to having completed all the outstanding projects open on the property, finish repairs to the paver steps, complete the repairs needed to Units 162, 156, 140 and 184, etc.
The meeting of the Board will be held on 11-JUN at 7PM in the Club house.  Should you find it inconvenient you can use the link and information below to sign in and participate, virtually.
Microsoft Teams Need help?
Meeting ID: 222 068 144 087
Passcode: qRKujF
You will be under a 3 minute rule for speaking.