Lake Villas Condo (4/28/2023)

Apr 28, 2023
It seems that several members who have dogs don't seem to listen very well.  So, we are putting everyone on notice that cameras are going to be installed around the Lake Villas property.  PET OWNERS need to pick up the POOP.  All dogs must be on a leash.  No pet can run free on Lake Villas Property (i.e. on the lake front area, in and around condo units, etc.)  If you have a cat that goes outside, you best try to keep that pet in your residence.  As you know coyotes have been spotted on property.
Lake Villas has always welcomed PETS!  But we have a few owners with dogs who have become very casual and careless.  Residents have chosen Lake Villas for its quiet, friendly atmosphere, so be neighborly, be courteous and contain your pet.  We don't need dog fights and/or injuries to small or large animals.  If you follow the rules, unpleasant incidents should not occur.
Once the cameras are in place the Association will have a video record of the owner and the animal committing violations.  In the meantime, should you witness or be involved in an incident please call Animal Control so they have a record complaint on file.
FURTHER, ALL OWNERS/TENANTS ARE ON seems we may have inappropriate behavior occurring on the Lake Villas property.  We seem to have unwelcome intruders who are inviting unwelcome individuals who may allegedly be engaging in illicit behavior.  We are asking all residents to be aware, if you see something suspicious (at any hour of the day) to snap a photo and email me the date, time and what Unit you see suspicious behavior.  We will shortly have cameras in place to take a video, but in the meantime, please keep a careful watch.  Also please call the non-emergency number of the Altamonte Springs Police Department.  They will come out and investigate.
It takes all members to keep the community safe.  The Association is working diligently to improve the landscaping, the buildings and keep the neighborhood safe.  Let's work together to accomplish this.
As an update:
Boy Scouts will be on property Saturday, April 29, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.  They will be laying mulch in front of Units 164 - 176.  The Association will have donuts and drinks set up in the front carport.  Come out if you can and assist.
The landscapers will be on property weekly on Wednesdays.  Again do not interrupt them.  We have discussed a plan of action and in addition to the mow and blow they are working on the landscape beds to assist us in cleaning them up. We welcome anyone who wants to participate in cleaning up the landscape beds.  The Association has gone too long in not addressing this issue.
Everything takes time.  We are addressing several issues at the same time, so be patient, changes are occurring.