Lake Villas Condo - PET ISSUES (4/6/2023)

Apr 6, 2023
We are having a terrible time with rats.  We are tackling that problem by putting out extra poison for the rats, so please keep your pets under control so they don't eat a rat or go around the dumpster areas at this time.
Also, several members are complaining that pet owners who are walking their pet are NOT PICKING UP THE POOP.  This is not only a Lake Villas rule, it is a County Ordinance.  Try to think of your fellow community members and please be courteous and pick up your dog's POOP. Non-pet owners don't appreciate deposits in their landscaped areas around their unit and don't want to be stepping in someone's left behind POOP.
We are going to turn our attention on doing some property clean up at this time.  The personnel will be working on trimming areas, so we can discourage the rats (i.e. trimming the palm trees, cleaning out debris and tightly packed areas, keeping the dumpsters free from any debris and clutter, trimming the exterior wall of the heavy plant growth).
We will be getting some bulk mulch - remember the mulch should be brown, i.e. chips, to freshen up several of the landscaping beds.
We will be working on pressure washing the walls, sidewalks and back patios.  So, please remove all items that are not "outdoor patio furniture, potted plants and grills" as indicated earlier, you will be receiving a notice from the management company, if you don't.
Following the pressure washing, we will be sealing the pavers, this is a more time consuming project and requires a lot of moving items off the pavers on each individual patio, so your help would be greatly appreciated.
We need to check all the landscape sprinklers to see what areas are not getting coverage.  We really could use some rain.
There are several small repair projects around the complex that we need to fix.
Pool furniture should be re-strapped within the next 2-3 weeks.
Please be patient.  Please do not interrupt any personnel.  If you have a question, call myself 407-353-6248 or Lorie at HMI 407-628-1086.