Lake Villas Condo - Board Meeting on July 9, 2024 (7/7/2024)

Jul 7, 2024
This is a reminder that we have a board meeting on Tuesday, July 9, 2024 at 7 pm in the clubhouse.  We are having 2 special guests appearing David Glassman, Esquire (Association attorney) and Bonnie Bogert (Global Solutions) who will provide clarity to the Reserve Study Report and the SIRS Report.  There are mandatory and discretionary parts that will affect Lake Villas for next year.
We have purchased a TV so as to better provide a better Microsoft team experience.  I will email  the connection information if you wish to join the meeting through the team experience.
As this will be an informative meeting, we will invoke a question and answer format.  Please be courteous and stay on the subject.  The Board is providing you an opportunity to hear the information from the company that did the study and how this study interacts with the Florida Statutes, our condo and repairs to Unit 186, having a capital plan for all of the buildings and the reserves moving forward.
A committee has been formed to work with the building bids on Unit 186 from outside vendors (being obtained by Scott and Chad), the mandatory amounts from the SIRS portion that we absolutely must reserve and when, the timing issues, a capital improvement plan to finish all buildings and carports on the property, a bulkhead bid for Unit 652, fix the leaks in the adult pool, and how we can tackle installing a sound barrier for a significant sound issue in Units 670A-D.  As this portion is also large we will discuss these issues at the August board meeting.  We are working on getting clarity on how Lake Villas can comply at a reasonable expectation and complete the mandatory repairs on Unit 186.   Further we have an upcoming budget committee meeting coming up in September which will interact with the above information.
The above is a large undertaking and requires constructive input from the Board and the membership.  We are open to constructive ideas only as solutions to the above problem.  This is all new information and will be fluid for the next couple of years, as it moves through the legislative process.  Leave your complaints at the door as these two upcoming board meetings will not be the meetings to air them.
Hope to see everyone there.