Finally we have been able to get all parties on board and we can begin the process of installing the alumicons in all switches and outlets, behind the refrigerator and the washer and dryer, beginning on Tuesday, May 30, 2023.
The changes in the pricing are going to be instead of $22 per hour - it will cost $27.50 per hour per electrician, and there will be 2 men working each unit (this will make the installment faster). In addition, all units will have to pay $175 to Lake Villas Condominium Association, as Ray Flood, Master Electrician will be signing off on the Insurance Carrier's Verification Form for those units that Lake Villas' has installed alumicons. Other units that have used their own electrician, will have to produce to me a signed Verification Form from their electrician to comply along with your invoice reflecting payment of the installed alumicons. Also there will be wiring costs, switch plates and outlet covers, and the cost of the alumicons included on your invoice.
To make your payments there are three types of payment methods (a) charge it on your credit card at the HMI portal (b) due 4 installment payments on your HOA account at HMI, or (c) pay the full amount by check made payable to Lake Villas Condominium Association. We will be providing an Invoice and the Verification Form for each Unit that Lake Villas has done and will maintain the same information in our database and a notebook, so we can show that the complex has been fully done. THIS IS MANDATORY!!! ALL UNITS MUST COMPLY! It is best to allow the association to do the installation, because you may not be able to get this done for less.
You MUST move all furniture away from the outlets. If you need help please let Nancy Roman 631-745-4002 know so she can have the maintenance personnel scheduled to show the morning your Unit is scheduled and move the furniture away from the walls and the maintenance personnel will return and move the furniture back.
Also let Nancy know if you will not be home during installation, we will have a member available to stay in the Unit while you work.
As a reminder our insurance premiums get renewed in June. We have worked very hard, to complete the alumnicon project, but be prepared as we know there will be an increase in the insurance, and once we complete the alumicon project (all units done and signed for), we will be in a better position to reach out to more carriers allowing more competition and we should see a reduction in our annual premium.
I want to thank Nancy Roman, Roberta Cute, Debbie Vaughn, Chad Wagner and our maintenance personnel for all their input and assistance in getting this project scheduled and followed up on. We need every member to be in compliance, answer the phone calls and let's accomplish this money saving project as efficiently as possible.
I hope to have covered all aspects of the alumicon project that will help everyone to understand what we have to accomplish to be able to make this beneficial to all members.
We are having a heck of time getting the materials to complete the pool furniture strapping. I was hoping it would be done by Memorial Day weekend. Bear with us, we will have this done asap. We also will be painting the remaining 6 chairs under the cover of the clubhouse porch and repairing the tables. Once everything is done, we will evaluate the need to obtain additional furniture. IT is time our pools look top notch. REMINDER DO NOT LEAVE TOYS, FLOATS, ETC. at the pools. If you do so, those items will disappear and they are not allowed by State Regulations.
Please reach out to me by email if you do not have your Lake Villas Parking Sticker. THIS IS MANDATORY if you do not want your car towed. Also, let me know if your front door needs work to be done. I have a vendor who is working on getting the doors repaired, stained and multiple coats a poly stain. Each door is evaluated as to work that is needed, and we will let you know in advance if there is a cost to you. You do need to be home in the event we have to take the door off.
LANDSCAPING - Powerwashing: We are moving the landscaping forward from Unit 130 around to Unit 688. The powerwashing and wall cleaning has occured from Unit 186 - 174, we are continuing to move forward. The Boy Scouts came Saturday, May 27, 2023 and laid mulch from Units 142 - Unit 122.
Website - All emails are on the front page.
Check your emails, let me know if there are changes or you are receiving the emails in error. I also need your cell phone numbers. It is important to keep our records accurate.